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+91 8989 019 621

Contact: Leeladhar Ganvir


Environmentally responsible citizen mostly belonging to the category of millennials and Gen- Z(youth of our nation) are driven by a motivation to do good for the environment as their future depends on the wellbeing of the planet. This asset of self-driven motivation must be encouraged to take actions by themselves by bettering themselves rather than waiting for the higher authorities and political leaders to take action. India with the core competency considered to be the population itself can be motivated to achieve great results with the right approach and awareness cum education towards a better and sustainable lifestyle without harming the planet and depleting the natural resources.

The aim of this project is to encourage the users predominantly the youth of the country to adopt a sustainable lifestyle by indulging in green practices and sustainable consumption methods on a daily basis with a rigid support of proper awareness and understanding of the importance and consequences relating to the environment.

Greeshma S Mohan


Bachelors in Design



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